Yesterday in the Sunday paper there were three double coupons. The coupons were not with the coupons but actually printed on the paper. In the Deseret News it was on page A8 and Tribune it was A10.
I used to just overlook these coupons but as I started trying it, it was like getting three items for free or almost free at the store.
PYP has a nice list of ways to use those doubles just click here to see the deals you can get with those doubles.
Also PYP is working on a preview for Albertson's grocery ad coming up. Yay! It really helps when you can get a jump on what the great deals are going to be for the next week.
Ok here is my super find of the week! I went to Smiths to buy a few things. While there I noticed the canister of country time lemonade and the canisters of koolaide on sale for $0.99. I was so glad I had my coupons with me. Because I had one for the lemonade $1.50 off 2 and $1 off 2 of the koolaide. So when it rang up it was $4.00, take off the $1.50 and the $1.00 it makes it $1.50 for 4 canisters of drink mix. Then the register gave me a $1 off my next purchase for anything in smiths because I bought the lemonade. So basically I got 4 canisters for $.50 plus tax. Love it!